■^ The asterisk at the surname of an ofiicer, signifies that he is now in Of the Army, and have been tJiree years in service (including service as Cadets),ģ. The names of all who have been commissioned in any permanent corps Mac, So, also, the names commencing " St." are considered the same as Saint.Ģ.

The names commencing "]Slc" are considered the same as ' silent letter,' is not regarded (in such names as Browne, Clarke, McDowel, Single exception, that the addition or omission of a final letter, when it is a One of the same name, the order of priority of service is adopted - with the Order through the entire surnames is observed : and where tliere are more than In the arrangement of names in this Dictionary, the strict alphabetical Of Regimental rank than that he would have held, had he continued in service Jġ. More than one grade in rank and that no retired officer shall be appointed to a liigher graue service, inĬommission or as Cadets : Provided, also, that no officer now in service shall be advanced Shall be selected from those who have been, at least, two years in the U. for the regulation of the land forces,) viz. Stricken out by the Senate, ihe intention of the House could have been attained, fully, by these words, (as a rule, [-Intending to embrace, for the selection, the whole army then in service :-being defective, '^^^ f 7^'«° ^"* "■Provided, that all the officers of the aforesaid Regiment of Riflemen shall be selectedįrom the regular line of the United States Kvmyr-Jounial, 11. WHOSE VOTE, OF THE TENTH OF APRIL, 1846,* IN THE TWENTY-NINTHĬONGRESS, GIVES HOPE OF A RECOGNITION OF MILITARY iluthe Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Southern District of New-York.* ' * ' Entered according to Act of Congress, in tlie year 1853, by HAS BEEN KILLED, OR WOUNDED, - AND THE ,' įOEMEELY ADJUTANT GENEKAL OF MAJOE GENERAL BROWN'S DIVISTOIT.

INDICATING THE BATTLE, IN WHICH EVERY SUCH OFYICER WHO HAVE SERVED IN ANY CAMPAIGN, OR CONiXICT WITH AN ENEMY, SI>'CE. JANUARY, 1853, WITH EVERY COMMISSION OF EACH INCLUDING SINCE THE IXAUGURATIOX OF THEIR FIRST JPRESIDENT, IN 1789, TO THE FIRST Gardner"ĪLL OFFICERS, WHO HAVE BEEN COMMISSIONED, OR navy and marine corps, who have served with the land forces. including the distinguished officers of the volunteers and militia of the states. Pennsylvania Core and Academic Standards Alabama Courses of Study Alaska Content and Performance Standards Arizona's College and Career Ready Standards Arkansas Curriculum Frameworks California Content Standards Colorado Academic Standards (CAS) Common Core State Standards Connecticut Core Standards Delaware Standards and Instruction Florida Standards Georgia Standards of Excellence Hawaii Content and Performance Standards Idaho Content Standards Illinois Learning Standards Indiana Academic Standards Iowa Core Kansas Academic Standards Kentucky Academic Standards Louisiana Academic Standards Maine Learning Results Maryland College and Career-Ready Standards Maryland Standards Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks Michigan Academic Standards Minnesota Academic Standards Mississippi College & Career Readiness Standards Missouri Learning Standards Montana Content Standards National STEM Standards Nebraska Core Academic Content Standards Nevada Academic Content Standards New Hampshire College and Career Ready Standards New Jersey Common Core Standards New Jersey Student Learning Standards New Mexico Content Standards New York State Learning Standards and Core Curriculum North Carolina Standard Course of Study North Dakota Academic Content Standards Ohio Learning Standards Oklahoma Academic Standards Oregon Academic Content Standards Rhode Island World-Class Standards South Carolina Standards & Learning South Dakota Content Standards Tennessee Academic Standards Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) U.S.Full text of " A dictionary of all officers, who have been commissioned, or have been appointed and served, in the army of the United States : since the inauguration of their first president, in 1789, to the first January, 1853.