๐ DXBH 3LCG Played as Isaac, If unlocked first Gold Room Mom's Knife ๐ NQKJ 0XD0 Get devil deals, "1-UP" shop reroll machine ๐ NQBL M4BE Play judas go devil deals and if you reroll the right things you'll have fun ๐ A7BY CNYY There is HP increasing item on first boss and for 2 boss with hp + luck ๐ 08K8 ADL0 Azazel gnawed leaf first floor and second dark bum ๐ LYDG A310 Eden, proptosis, mr boom start really good continue ๐ 430S BJK7 Eden, for tammys head and brimstone ๐ E9ZD LZMS Eden, use spacebar item in first golden item room, you can buy a key with pegeant boy

๐ 9ENM YK1P ๐ฅ Is probably the best Lost seed to ever exist ๐ RGA8 0PGQ Start as the lost you will get epic fetus + tech and with all the items you will get conjoined transformation with triple epic fetus and triple tech, also krampus head ๐ 6CN7 V1BY Keeper run too freaking good ๐ XQRK 0RBH Tech X+spoon bender (hard,AB) ๐ STNV TX0X Cricket's head + Death's touch + Incubus + Godhead + Monstro's lung + antigravity tears + goat head ๐ WMQV 291Y Mutant spider + inner eye + Judas's shadow + rubber cement+ Incubus ๐ CPZZ 673A God head + magic mushroom 1st floor (greed mode) ๐ 3R3F LJK0 Monstro's lung + tech X + chocolate milk (hard mode) ๐ 8DBR FMZ3 Eden starting with sacred heart ๐ 6A1T KLAS Anti grav tears, lump of coal, sheilded tears, magnetic tears, and the mask ๐ A7BY CNYY Brimstone + 20/20 + Number One + Rubber Cement + Tammy's Head ๐ 1VM4 N9F9 Guppy Transformation in the Devil Room on Burning Basement II ๐ 911F 3ZLS Sephiram + Guppy transformations ๐ 2H1Z ZQVT Ipecac, Bob's Brain (Challenge room) and Bob's Rotting Head (Challenge room) ๐ SCYH 3N4R Rune bag in secret room and blank card in item room ๐ AV2P 1P1K Play as judas, bomb the stone chest on floor 2 to get goat head, reroll the item room using pennies to the machine once to get polyphemus ๐ L168 0LX2 Daddy's Love + Knawed Leaf = win ๐ M8QR D28S Anyone best soy milk seed ever โป๏ธ WH0A WHAT (Effect: Camouflage EVERYTHING!) โป๏ธ THRE AD (Effect: Escape the Labyrinth) Isaac's speed and fire rate remain normal at all times) ๐ธ โป๏ธ SVPE RH0T (Effect: While Isaac is not moving, time runs extremely slowly. โป๏ธ PATH F1ND (Effect: Stay Out of the Maze) โป๏ธ N1TE L1TE (Effect: Illuminate Darkness) โป๏ธ N0RE TVRN (Effect: Point of No Return) โป๏ธ MODE SEVN (Effect: Screen has a permanent Retro-Vision effect) ๐ธ โป๏ธ LABY RNTH (Effect: Inescapable Labyrinth) โป๏ธ DARK NESS (Effect: Permanent Darkness) โป๏ธ CAM0 F0ES (Effect: Camouflage Enemies) โป๏ธ C 0 C K FGHT (Effect: Charmed Enemies)

โป๏ธ BRTL B0NS (Effect: Twelve Heart Damage) โป๏ธ BLCK CNDL (Effect: Total Curse Immunity) โป๏ธ BASE MENT (Effect: Infinite Basements) โป๏ธ AX1S ALGN (Effect: Axis Aligned Controls)